Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You Are Saved!

Joe is a hard-working employee at a local shipping warehouse.  Despite years of service, his paychecks still barely serve to pay the bills.  Last week, the boss man called him into his office.  "Joe," he began, "You've been working for me for a lot of years and have come to earn my trust.  I've got a a chance to bring in a bit of extra income on the side, but I need these transactions to fly below the administrative radar.  I've asked you in here to ask if you'd head up these shipments, because I need someone I can trust.  This could mean a promotion, Joe.  Isn't that what you've been wanting?"  It would help relieve some of the financial stress at home, and it's about time Joe be considered for a better position.  What should he do?

Little brother walks in the door crying after his little league game.  It typically takes a lot to rustle his feathers.  "What's up, pal?" you inquire.  "A boy on my football team was picking on me.  He called me a loser and then pushed me up against the fence and hit when I tried to take my place in line."  It's infuriating that anyone would think of touching your brother in a malicious way!  What do you tell him?

Your professor has had a bad day.  He rushes into class, straight out of a meeting with the higher ups.  Although you don't know it at the time, today's been a really rough day for him.  You raise your hand to ask for details regarding an upcoming assignment, unprepared for what will come next.  "Did you even read the syllabus?" he asks.  "You are never going to make it anywhere asking questions like that.  I think it's time to consider another career path...maybe school isn't for you."  You did read the syllabus.  Did you misunderstand something basic?  This has been a tough semester for you.  Maybe you're really not cut out for this stuff.  But it's what you've always felt called to do.  What's the next step for you?

How we respond to attacks like this are dependent upon what we believe about what Jesus has done for us.  The Devil aims to defeat each and every one of us by challenging our belief in the final victory we have in Jesus.  In our passage from Ephesians 6, Paul urges us to "take the helmet of salvation" (v. 17)

It has been proposed that Paul chose to illustrate the importance of our salvation with a helmet, as the helmet protects the head and consequently, the brain as well.  When we fill our minds with the reality of our imminent victory in Christ, we are able to ignore advances by the enemy that aim to destroy our hope and assurance in our skills, acceptance, or personalities.

Charles Hodge, a 19th Century Presbyterian theologian, wrote: "That which adorns and protects the Christian, which enables him to hold up his head with confidence and joy, is the fact that he is saved."

So maybe Joe will never be the richest man on the block.  Maybe he will continue to stand by while others, who are far less qualified, get promoted.  Bypassing this opportunity may cost him his job, but it is the right thing to do in Jesus' eyes.  And ultimately, the money and status won't matter.  Joe has been saved and has a seat reserved for him right beside the most successful leader of the cosmos.

Your first response may be to urge your brother to stand up for himself - not to let anyone push him around like that.  On second thought, however, you realize that a more peaceful response shows greater strength that fighting back.  "Buddy, you say, you have been saved by the most wonderful person in the whole world, Jesus Christ.  He's always fighting for you.  You have no need to fight for yourself.  You are not a loser.  In fact, when Jesus comes back, we will all stand together in victory over all the mean and hurtful people of the world."  

And maybe you won't complete this course at the top of your class.   Maybe you won't get the best letter of recommendation or be the top hire.  But you have been saved by the creator of the universe, and His approval is much more valuable than than of any professor's.  As long as you are following the Lord's leading, your next step can't be wrong.

The kids learned this lesson (albeit a much abbreviated version) this weekend through another WATER ACTIVITY!!!  (No relief yet from this heat, so I figure why not keep 'em coming!?).  When we don our helmets of salvation, we are reminded that we are saved.  Our minds fill with the truth that we cannot be beaten and we become more confident, joyful, and bold in our Spirit-led endeavors.  Check out the pictures below.  The kids can be seen filling their team's mind (the bucket) with the belief that they are saved (the water).  Maybe a bit disconnected, but they seemed to get the gist.

Next week, the sword of the Spirit - our offensive strategy.  Stay tuned!

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